Recovery Tools of DA

Recovery Tools

Beginning in a new group

Most of us arrived at DA uncertain if we could trust the Steps, Tools, and suggestions of this program. As we listened to others who had been using these solutions longer than us, we began to hear a common message: those Steps, Tools, and suggestions really work! We learned that, if we followed what worked for others, it worked for us as well. We learned that following the guidelines of the program produced results we wanted. Others had learned before us and created this process for financial recovery and serenity. We discovered that we didn’t need to reinvent this recovery wheel–it was already rolling along nicely and we, too, could gain the benefits that following the guidelines of DA provides. They don’t work sometimes for some people, they work every time for every one and they’ll work for you as well.

Recovery through Service

Use this link to download and print the Sacramento D.A. Outreach Flyer.

To serve means to render assistance, be of use, or help.  Service, then, means assistance to an individual or a group.  We help other D.A. members by attending meetings, listening, and sharing our own experiences. We help the group by performing tasks such as chairing or leading the meeting, being treasurer, or taking notes at a business meeting.  In D.A. we learn to define service as giving to others what we have so generously been given.

We have found service to be essential to our recovery in Debtors Anonymous because no one we know has experienced sustained abstinence from incurring unsecured debt without performing service. For more information about service, please see the D.A. Service brochure or discuss with your own group.

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